Tuesday, 7 July 2009

happy July!

I am determined to move home and not let it affect my lifestyle. in 8 weeks I will be returning to the US, and I am scared shitless. No place to live (besides the house that crazy built) and no job, no university place (yet!) and I am in a total panic. My response? Fuck up my eating so I have to concentrate on that instead of the big problem.... getting me and all my shit back to Haverhill/Boston. eeeekkkkkk.

list of stuff to do_
start sending clothes/books/crap home
charity shops/friends for the other items
find my academic portfolio.....
add up my practice time and fill in the application for transfer credit
find a place to live, but first find a job!
ask my parents to lend me money to move into said accommodation.

above all, try not to freak out

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